We are excited to announce that Format, the UK's biggest games industry night life event will be exhibiting at Timeless!
They will not only be there to promote Formatt GG, but to promote and sell the Format Collection:
Format Collection
FORMAT Collection is the official clothing line of FORMATGG, the UK's biggest games industry nightlife event. We've been building the biggest nightlife movement for gamers in the world...Now it's time to provide our community with the best clothing too. This is FORMAT COLLECTION.

What is Format GG?
The UK's biggest games industry community nightlife event returns in 2024 and will take over Liverpool this September with a warehouse takeover of Camp and Furnace, which will be full of gaming, live music performances, food and drink, good vibes, and video games for an unforgettable night.

Join the leading games industry nightlife movement for our largest event to date September 26th.