We are proud to announce our third guest for our ever growing Legends Panel:
Alex Trowers

Alex has been developing games since the late 1900s where he started at Bullfrog. Once this had firmly gone to his head, he went to many, many different studios in search of that same magic. A designer by trade but there isn't an aspect of game development he hasn't turned his hand to at one point or another. He still makes games but now he also visits conventions where he is often asked to tell stories about the 'good old days'. This, as you're about to find out, is a terribly bad idea...
Alex has worked on the following games either as a Lead Designer / Tester or Game Design at numerous companies including Bullfrog & Electronic Arts.
- Theme Park
- Hi-Octoane
- Magic Carpet
- Dungeon Keeper & Dungeon Keeper 2
- Syndicate
- Populous: The Beginning
- Dark Messiah Might & Magic
- Judge Dread
- Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
- Gang Beasts